Monday, February 23, 2009

lights in winter

I love Christmas lights, especially blue ones. they really bring peace of mind. the season is very much over, but I finally got this developed. they have that "light-drawing" effect, some turned out hella cool. enjoy!

sorry about the slow posting, I'm trying to recruit my friends who are artists/artists folk in the area to give me their stuff, I hope to have something interesting soon!


Julia said...

I love christmas lights too, I always want to shoot people around them but realize it's like the most ~art school~ photo I could possibly take or a fake young kate moss wannabe looking thing.

oh and I totally raided matthews facebook to try to find a good example of his apt, I have photos myself but I have no idea where they are...I took them so so so long ago. Anyways, this is just like seriously a tiny part of a wall. The entire place is like, with some of the most amazing dressers and lamps, not just incredible art.

idk why I scratched out the faces, I guess I like to protect innocent strangers. haha

Maybe I'll ask him to come back and shoot it for my blog, because it's like a window on its own. haha

Scattered said...

yeah, I always think it would look cool to wrap somone in lights and take a picture, but now it's what all the "omg i am so artsseeee" kids do so by default it looks toolish.

if this is a tiny part, I can only imagine how incredible it is. please do a picture post of it haha that would be so awesome.

Julia said...

No lie, that's like...a quarter of his wall. ONE of his walls. I'm going to try to weasel my way in on Friday night. Fingers crossed. Although I'm sure if I just asked, he'd let me. haha.